Tuesday, December 29, 2009

NYE Prep, The Past & James Bond

So we're (less than) two days til 2010 & I feel like reflecting moreso than prepping for my New Year's gig at 219 West right now. Don't get me wrong; the show'll bump, but now that I have the blogspot up & we're working on another TMC mixtape to release pretty soon, I really want an excuse to post some of our old work...

General Mixtapeness including the Scion Contest Mix, Nature Sounds Mix & Live @ Lanai...


...Scion Metro Austin with Klever, Craze & Q-Bert...


...My 206 Mix from Seattle...


...The Dubbel Dutch Mix...

(Right/Ctrl+Click to download)

...And The Folks Mix from last Xmas (this is the annual mixtape I send to family every year)...

(Right/Ctrl+Click to download)

Anyways, I've been stacking 80's tracks like mad per NYE request & this afternoon, Mike (219's Owner & Operator) drops a minor detail he'd forgotten for the past month or so on me: the New Year's Party theme is 007.

I have no tux and this is short notice, but considering I now need no excuse to order martinis all night, why worry?

Ganked a few Bond clips from this UK site:


Any dj's looking for dialogue, have away...I'll be at MetroPark in the Domain tomorrow 3-7pm. Holler if u end up Northside ATX.
I also got calls today for two NYE gigs in Austin that still need dj's booked. Get at me if you're interested.

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